Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor continuu
Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor continuu afirmativ
I shall be swelling I`ll be swelling. | eu mă voi umfla. |
you will be swelling you`ll be swelling. | tu te vei umfla. |
he/she/it will be swelling he/she/it`ll be swelling. | el/ea se va umfla. |
we shall be swelling we`ll be swelling. | noi ne vom umfla. |
you will be swelling you`ll be swelling. | voi vă veţi umfla. |
they will be swelling they`ll be swelling. | ei/ele se vor umfla. |
Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor continuu negativ
I shall not be swelling I shan`t be swelling. | eu nu mă voi umfla. |
you will not be swelling you won`t be swelling. | tu nu te vei umfla. |
he/she/it will not be swelling he/she/it won`t be swelling. | el/ea nu se va umfla. |
we shall not be swelling we shan`t be swelling. | noi nu ne vom umfla. |
you will not be swelling you won`t be swelling. | voi nu vă veţi umfla. |
they will not be swelling they won`t be swelling. | ei/ele nu se vor umfla. |
Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor continuu interogativ
shall I be swelling? | mă voi umfla eu? |
will you be swelling? | te vei umfla tu? |
will he/she/it be swelling? | se va umfla el/ea? |
shall we be swelling? | ne vom umfla noi? |
will you be swelling? | vă veţi umfla voi? |
will they be swelling? | se vor umfla ei/ele? |
Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor continuu interogativ negativ
shall I not be swelling shan`t I be swelling? | nu mă voi umfla eu? |
will you not be swelling won`t you be swelling? | nu te vei umfla tu? |
will he/she/it not be swelling won`t he/she/it be swelling? | nu se va umfla el/ea? |
shall we not be swelling shan`t we be swelling? | nu ne vom umfla noi? |
will you not be swelling won`t you be swelling? | nu vă veţi umfla voi? |
will they not be swelling won`t they be swelling? | nu se vor umfla ei/ele? |
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la prezent simplu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la trecut simplu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor simplu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la prezent continuu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la trecut continuu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor continuu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la perfect simplu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la mai mult ca perfect
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor anterior
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la prezent perfect continuu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la trecut perfect continuu
- Conjugare a (se) umfla la viitor perfect continuu