Lista verbelor regulate în engleză

Lista cu verbe neregulate ale limbii engleze in tabelul următor:

Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare
agree a accepta agreed agreed Conjugare to agree
answer a răspunde answered answered Conjugare to answer
ask a cere asked asked Conjugare to ask
believe a crede believed believed Conjugare to believe
cancel a anula canceled canceled Conjugare to cancel
change a schimba changed changed Conjugare to change
close a închide closed closed Conjugare to close
follow a urma followed followed Conjugare to follow
invite a invita invited invited Conjugare to invite
like a place liked liked Conjugare to like
listen a asculta listened listened Conjugare to listen
look a privi looked looked Conjugare to look
move a muta moved moved Conjugare to move
open a deschide opened opened Conjugare to open
push a apăsa pushed pushed Conjugare to push
repeat a repeta repeated repeated Conjugare to repeat
shop a face cumpărături shopped shopped Conjugare to shop
start a începe started started Conjugare to start
want a vrea wanted wanted Conjugare to want
work a lucra worked worked Conjugare to work